Monday, December 31, 2012

Counting Down The New Year

As the last day of 2012 comes to a close I wanted to take a look back. This is my favorite thing to do as the new year approaches. Dreaming and wishing and creating resolutions is a lot of fun, but looking back to see how far we have come, what kind of fun we have had, and where God has brought us beats all of that. So here is my countdown to 2013 with my top 10 things in my life in 2012.

Apple: I am sitting here typing this blog on my iPad (with my new awesome Brydge), listening to music through the new great Apple earbuds, and texting on my iPhone. I love Apple products, from the iMacs, MacBook Pros to the Apple TV and everything in between. Thank you Apple for making products I love and a commitment to excellence in what you make.

Friends: This year has been a 5 year wait and prayer. Ever since my wife and I have moved to Grove we have been waiting and trying (although not as hard as we could have been, can you say homebodies) for close friends. This year my wife and I got involved in some study groups and little did we know that these people would become the people who would pray for us and be there for us during our hardest time. We have had fun, had great discussions, shared interests, and prayed for each other. Thank you all!

Parents: Ok so actually this should be up on number 5, but as I started typing things out somehow 8 got left open and I was too lazy to switch them. Sorry Mom and Dad, but you are number 5, lol. My parents have always been some of my best friends, and I am proud of that. I love that my wife gets along with them so well and we do pretty much everything together. Our mini-vacations are always the best, even though we always do the same thing and eat at the same places. Thank you for being such wonderful parents, for always loving and wacthing the girls, and caring for me so much, I love you.

Fitness: This year has changed a lot of my personal goals. This year I actually started to become the person I have always wanted. Not that overweight, insecure boy, but instead a fit athlete. It has been amazing seeing myself go from running for weight loss to spending $1500 on a bike and adopting the goal of an Ironman.

Job: I have the best job in the world! Seriously I do. It is flexible, yet structured. I am needed, yet the church can go on without me. I have the best 2 bosses in the world, my Heavenly Father and my earthly father. Most of all in my job you always are reminded of the point and the purpose. I love it, thank you COS.

Church: It is way more than my Job though. I love my church because it is the church, the body of Christ. I have never been involved in a church like it. People care, people love, people serve others. When I am gone it feels like I am missing something huge in my life.

Banner: Number 4 is such a joy in my life, but yet the hardest thing I have ever gone through. My wife surprised me on her birthday at 3 in the morning telling me she was pregnant! We had been trying for months and we were so happy. We new instantly it was going to be our son. Then on Dec. 18th we lost our baby boy. Before he was ever born, before I ever got to hold him or throw a ball to him. He will always be our son, and always be a part of our family, but he just got to heaven before we did. I love you Banner David Whitney!!

My Girls: My two little girls are my sunshine. They are about to turn 4 and 2 and they amaze me each day. They love playing video games with their daddy, and they love for their daddy to be their prince and go to the ball with them. They make me proud with how smart and well behaved they are. They have grown up so much this year and my oldest will be starting school next year. I love you Kairi and Brayce!

My BOJ: That is short for my Bottle of Joy, that would be my wife. She is my partner in everything and we face everything together. We have grown so close this past year. We have discovered how to be better husband/wife, how to fight, how to love, and how to understand each other more and more. We went through the touughtest time we have ever gone through losing our baby, and we continue to face everyday together. You will always be my joy!! I love you BOJ!!



GOD: This has been such a great year, and God has been their every step of the way. He is continually showing me who he has made me to be, and changing my own ideas of myself. He has blessed me so much and I continually worship Him, now more than ever. Thank you for creating me, for saving me, and loving me so much God!!


So that may not be the most epic list, or even relate to me becoming an Ironman, but those are the best things in my life in 2012. I dont expect them to change much in 2013, but I love that about my life. I am excited to see where 2013 takes me. Unitl next year. See ya.



Friday, December 28, 2012

Fat for the Holidays!

Fat for the holidays! Oh I mean back for the Holidays...but I guess both work.

I have not blogged in forever, mostly due to laziness on both blogging and training, but I ordered a Brydge back in November and I said when it comes in I will blog more. So it came in on Christmas Eve and here I am. I have to hold to it or my wife will give me a hard time, and this Brydge makes it so easy to type on the go on the iPad.

The last time I did anything race/training related was for the Duathlon back in October. Needless to say this Holiday season hasnt been the best for my fitness or waist line. There has been really no motivation, except for a day here or there. After the duathlon I looked for races to plan out my 2013 schedule, but most places don't schedule or have information on races until january... I was hoping for some continued motivation from that but I guess not.

Here it is almost January though, and it is time for a new year. It is time for this year to be the year I become a triathlete. As I read through my old posts I become motivated and as I look at the achievements I set for myself after the duathlon I am ready to start.

After the Duathlon I knew that I was entering the offseason. I knew there would probably not be much more except for maybe a 5k, and so I jotted down a list on my phone of things I wanted to accomplish with my training in 2013.

Here they are. When I see that list I see the makings of a good year. I see myself looking back on 2013 and saying that I did something to reach my dreams, but then again only 8% of people actually accomplish their New Years resolutions. That is exactly why this is not a list of resolutions, this is a list of races for me this year. I already know the 10k is in August, the Duathlon is in October, with a 15k in late October leading up to my "A race" of the year, the Half Marathon in November. I will mix in some 5k's throughout the year, and then I just need to find 2 sprint Triathlons and a stand alone bike race. That is my goal for these next couple weeks.

Some may look at this list and see a lofty goal, I see motivation. I see fun and exactly who I want to be in this area of my life. I believe it is time for a great new year!