Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Start - ironman me

A couple years ago I started a journey. It was my weight loss journey. I had found myself at 5'9" and 230 pounds and not liking at all who I was. So I decided to change it. My wife and I set out on our journey to change our lives to be healthy and fit people. It took running, working out, diets, healthy choices and a bunch of late night orders of pizza to be where I am today. So now a couple years later I find myself at 175 pounds, feeling really good, able to run a 5k in 28 minutes and seeing the end of this journey.
And so with the end of one thing is the beginning of another.

A month ago my wife and I ran a 5k race. It was a fun community event and there were many people from our church there. After the race one of those people asked if I was going to race in the duathlon coming up in October. I had never thought about it. I had only ran, I hadn't even really biked since I was a kid, but still the thought of a duathlon intrigued me.

I started researching biking, and bikes and races. I went from being intrigued to a little obsessed, and from thinking of Duathlons to triathlons.

And so here I am. I have some new dreams, and a new journey. I want to be a triathlete. I want to compete in an ironman.

This is the start to my new journey.

This is the time where my new dream starts to become a reality.

This is the place where I can always look back and never forget.

Let's IronMan Me!

1 comment:

  1. I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT! and WILL!! I'll be here cheering you on and pushing you as I can. You are motivated and determined! You will succeed! I am SO excited that you are starting a blog of your journey! I am excited to come along side w/ you!
