Sunday, July 29, 2012

My new obsession

I recently purchased two things to help me on my new journey. I am really excited about both of these.

The first thing I bought was a GMC Denali road bike. I knew I would really be wanting a road bike for the new miles I would be logging, and this one seemed perfect for me. I have been riding it for a few weeks and can't get enough of it. At this point in time I could be happy ditching everything else as far as working out goes and just bike every day.

The second thing I bought was a pair of Brook's running shoes. I have been running for the past year in some Nike free runs+ 2's and I recently went into the shoe store to buy another pair, but the person helping me convinced me to take a look at a pair of Brooke's, and so I did. The next thing I know is I have a pair of bright green Brook's being shipped to my house. They feel great and I am excited to try them out tomorrow.

The next couple of weeks I need to focus on running. KC and I have a 10k coming up in 2 weeks, and let's be honest, the longest we have ever run was a 5 miler once. So it is time to get in gear and get ready for this race. After that I will be scheduling out my weeks cycling through running, biking and strength training.

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