Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Looking Around

This morning I decided to go for a run. It had been a long while since I had been running, or working out. Really since the 10k. I was sick and then work was busy, and I haven't been eating well, and well those are all my excuses. So My wife and I went on a 7 day diet to correct this and this morning it was time to run again.

I started off with my normal short walk to warm up, followed by a little stretch and then off I went. When I'm running from my house I always run the same route. Walk down my street, start running as I take a left, turn the corner by the lake, run down to the stop sign and keep going until I know I am halfway through my run, and then come back. This morning was the same, but as I rounded the first corner by the lake I had to stop. . . . .not because I hadn't been running, or I was mostly out of shape, but because I saw this

This stopped me in my tracks. I had to pause my run and take my phone out of my arm strap and take a picture. The moon and the stars were as clear as anything and the sun was rising up over the lake. I started to run again and this scene reminded me about what my daughter had done at the dinner table a while back. 

It was a few weeks ago, but after dinner that night I made sure to take out my phone and write a note. It was one of those moments. We had just made dinner and sat the girls down at the table as we took our spots. Before we started to eat, Kairi (our oldest) said that she wanted to pray, so we all bowed our heads, and she paused for a moment. She then starts to pray, "Dear God, I pray for . . . mommy, and daddy, and Braycee, and . . . our food, and the window, and . . . the flowers . . .amen!"

There aren't any bad prayers, God simply says "come to me and talk", but I had never heard someone pray for a window. My 3 year old, though, connected me with something that day. During her prayer I realized that she was simply just looking around the room and praying for what she was seeing. We all had our eyes closed but she did not, she was simply seeing the work of God.

So this morning as I stopped and looked at the amazing picture in the morning sky, I simply looked around. I thanked God for who He was and what He has put in this world, in my life. I thanked Him for my wife, my family, where I live. I thanked Him that yesterday a good friend went through surgery and it went great. For another family, who got to go home from the hospital and a big scare. I thanked Him that I could sell my guitar, and was going to be able to buy a bike this weekend. I just thanked Him for what He had put in my life.

I know this isn't really about my training or triathlons or anything of the sort, but maybe its really about everything. Sometimes we need a 3 year old to remind us of what is really important. So this morning as the sun, the moon and the stars aligned I spent my morning connecting with God.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this!! What a great reminder. Every good gift is from above! We just have to stop long enough to thank Him for them and count our blessings! Sometimes we are moving so fast and in so many different directions we keep missing what is right in front of us. Proud of you for running this a.m. and counting! Go baby go! :)
