Friday, August 24, 2012

I want to ride my bicycle!

Well I had a bike, and now I don't.

This statement really saddens me. Biking had become my new favorite thing. I literally could have been happy riding my bike everyday. It is such a good workout and it is just fun. I would ride my bike to work and accomplish two things at once, a commute and exercise. Now that the weather has become so nice, and not 107 degrees everyday, I feel like I should be taking every chance I have to ride, if I had a bike.

Okay so I am making this out to be a really sob story, but in all honesty It was my choice, and I think a very good choice. I had purchased a road bike from Walmart not too long ago and it really ignited a passion in me to ride. When I decided on getting into road biking my wife and I had decided to by a less expensive bike to make sure I was going to really enjoy it, to make sure I was really going to commit to it. I have a tendency of getting really excited about things and eventually letting that fade away. It was a very smart move, but after a little while the handlebars kept coming loose and I figured there must be a crack in the tube. I thought my next step was to take it to a bike shop, until I talked to a friend at my church. He said this one thing to me, "You should try a higher quality bike, when you try it out you will understand the difference."

Uh I was thinking. My bike was ok, but it had its flaws. I had spent $160 on it, and more than likely it was going to cost around $100 to fix it, was it worth it? Or should I test ride a different bike and really see the difference, even though I really don't have the money for a $700+ bike . . . or so I thought. I few years back I had another one of those passions, and so I bought something, a Taylor Guitar. I used it for a while, and some other people had used it at the church, but the other day I looked at it in my office and thought, there is my new bike. WIth that my wife had a great idea, instead of taking my current bike to a shop, and then trying to sell it, and making virtually no money, let's just take it back to Walmart. It is still returnable, it broke, so why not. So we did.

After that decision my family and I went shopping, and I asked if they would drop me off at the bike shop while they went to the mall. I knew they had no interest in being there, and I could take my time. I walked in to that store, looking at all the racks of bikes. Glancing at all the price tags, $1299, $799, $2499, $4999. . .wow. These were some nice bikes. I talked to one of the guys there for a while, explaining where I was at and what I was looking for. It just so happened that they did not have an entry level bike in my size, so he asked if I wanted to ride a $1299 bike. It seemed a little convenient, kinda like when you are watching one of those shows where people are buying houses and the relator always shows them a house 50 thousand dollars out of their price range, but I wasn't about to turn down the opportunity to ride. He put some pedals on the bike and tuned it up and let me go.

I pedaled that thing just once and realized the difference. With its light aluminum frame, carbon fork, carbon seat post and sport tires it flew around that parking lot. On top of all of that was the real treat, the Shimano Tiagra/105 shifters and components. That bike was so smooth, and at that point I understood what I wanted in a bike.

Now all I have to have is patience. Easier said than done I think. I am waiting on my guitar to sell, so I can buy a bike. I have been missing it a lot, but it will come. I am a person that believes in God, and his perfect timing, even in the small things. So here I wait, doing what I can, training like I can.

I know this seems a little trivial, wanting a new bike, but its fun and kind of important to me. Working out is important, and my goals are important to me. What type of things get you excited to reach your goals or to work out? What may seem trivial to other people but is important to you?

And if you want to buy a guitar let me know :)

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