Saturday, February 9, 2013

How to get out of a workout slump

It happens to all of us. We are working out like crazy, eating all the right things and then all of the sudden (usually not that suddenly, we just don't notice over a course of time) we are in a slump. Motivation is basically non-existant and we find ourselves putting off our workouts more than we find ourselves putting on our workout clothes.

This has been me basically since October when I did my duathlon. I have written post after post about it trying to get my motivation back, but nothing has really worked, until these past couple weeks. So with this new found motivation I look back at what got me out of the slump, so here they are in no particular order.

1. Get a jump start

I have a couple friends at church I have been talking with for while about getting together for a ride one day after church. Up until last Sunday it had not happened, but finally the weather looked nice and I decided "there is no better day than today." So I asked some of the guys if they wanted to go, and sure enough there were a couple of takers. I had only ridden a couple times since October, and we went for 20 miles. Combine that with they were in way better shape than me and I had eaten a whole lot of pizza the day before, and needless to say I was hurting during the ride. I got through it and afterwards felt great. The fact is I just needed something a little different, a little motivating, with some new people for a jump start.
There is no better day than today, so find your jump start and get going. Here are a few things that might work.
- Run a 5k - Workout with a buddy you have said you would - Try a new class or workout - Make a challenge for yourself and go do it -

2. Find some partners

This is a big one. Find some people around you who will workout with you, not just along side you. It is always good to have friends that you can go to the gym with, but you also need one or two who know your goals, and know how to push you. For me this is my wife. She may not be training to do triathlons with me, but she knows my goals and wants me to succeed just as much as I do, and I the same for her.
Who can you find? Spouse - Family Member - Co-Worker - Friend - Meet a new person at the gym.

3. Change things up

This has been huge for getting out of my workout slump. If you have been doing the same workouts and training for a while, maybe it is time to try some new things. This week alone, instead of just doing my normal running, biking, jungle gym and insanity I have gone swimming, gone to a spinning class, done kettlebell workouts, tried 3 new dvd workouts and created my own interval set. It has been amazingly refreshing to try new things.
This is my encouragement to you. Try something new, or actually a couple things new. Go to the gym if you never go and are nervous about it, or try a class. It is great to get out of your comfort zone, and it is also a lot easier if you take someone with you.

4. Make a (flexible) schedule

Make some kind of schedule and routine so you can be consistent about your workouts. Have that designated time everyday blocked off on your schedule, and make sure it works for you. Recently my wife and I decided that at midnight we have to turn off all electronics (basically forcing us to go to sleep, we love our electronics), and to wake up at 6:30 every morning to workout. This plan gets us enough sleep, but also gives us a great time to workout before the girls wake up. The schedule has been great, but also remember to keep it flexible. Tuesday's I have a meeting at 6am, so we don't do it that day (but we do a tuesday night workout) and the same for Sundays (which is our rest day).

5. Get some new equipment

There really is nothing more motivating than getting new equipment that you want to use. Whether it be new running shoes, or a new bike or an accessory you have been dying to have, it will get you out the door, or in the gym. This past week I bought a new Garmin 210 GPS watch. I love using it for the heart rate monitor so I really know how many calories I'm burning and what kind of workout I am getting. It is also great because I can use it for GPS on runs and bike rides.
Those are the things that have gotten me going. Everyone needs motivation and a kick in the butt from time to time, and I have found that these things have worked quite well. So what has worked for you?



Here is a picture my daughter picked out that she wanted to put in my blog.






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