Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Always Better Together

There are few things in life that are better done alone. Sitting alone drinking some coffee reading a book, editing a video, and going to the bathroom are the only few that I can think of off the top of my head. The fact is most things are done better together.

Like many people I started out running to lose weight, and it worked. I had never really liked running before, and didn't really at the time either but my wife and I signed up for a 5k race when we were finished with our Couch to 5k program. At that first race was when I actually started to enjoy it all. Every race environment I have ever been to is so captivating, and for one reason, people. You feel like you are not alone at a race. You feel like you belong and you are part of a community. It proves the point that things are better together.

I was reminded of this simple point the other day. I have recently started swimming and the first time I went my wonderful family played in the family part of the pool while I swam laps. Well the other night I was planning a date with my wife, the kids were staying with Papa, and KC says, "why don't we go swimming?" Well of course that sounded great to me, and before she could have a chance to change her mind I agreed.

We dropped the kids off that night, ran by the store to grab some goggles for her and drove to the gym. The pool was basically empty and my wife and I grabbed two of the lanes. We swam, we raced, we evaluated each other's swim and had a great training time. I had found the best training partner in the world, the one person I could be around 24/7 and do everything with. Swimming alone that first day was ok, but training with my wife was amazing. At one point she even said she might join me for the triathlon coming up . . . we will see if I can hold her to that.

Anyway I just wanted to take a couple minutes to say, If you find yourself doing all your workouts alone, find someone, ask someone, or be that someone for somebody else. Having people around is encouraging, it helps us keep going.

Here is a quote that my wife showed me the other day. "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, take someone with you" Ok I believe that is how it went, but I can't find it or the person who said it. Have a great day, and get out there and train.



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