Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The difference a day makes

Lately I've been having a hard time "finding my stride", if you will. After the 10k run I was feeling great. I felt like I could keep going strong and conquer anything, but lately I have been feeling like I haven't been able to do a darn thing.

 Right after the race I got a sinus infection. Usually this is a very frequent occurrence, but since having sinus surgery last december this is only my second. Sinus infections usually wipe me out for one or two days, and then I can start getting rid of all the junk that it produces, which has been the norm here as well. The only problem is after running a 10k and feeling like you can do anything, well you usually try. The Monday after my race I decided I was going to go for a good run (running usually clears up the sinuses anyway), and so I set out. My wife told me, "don't go far", because she knew I still needed to recover from my 10k, so I decided to set my personal best for the 5k.
It wasn't the recovery she thought I needed, but I again felt like I could do anything. I started running, mile one is just getting real good and warmed up and I hit a PR of 7'43". I kept going hard, at mile 2 I was at a 8'21", a significant loss, but I was struggling now. I found it really hard to breathe. All of the junk in my throat and nose wouldn't let me get deep breathes. It was painful, I wasn't very happy but I knew my limits and I had to walk. It was only about a 20 second walk but it gave me enough energy to finish the 5k. The last mile was at a 9'07". Those weren't exactly the splits I was going for, and not exactly the nice run I wanted, but I finished with a time of 25:59.....beating my PR by more than 2 minutes. Needless to say I was in pain, but very happy.

 I knew the rest of the week I needed to really take it easy, especially if I couldn't breathe, but on friday I felt great and decided that I should go for a nice run. No expectations or anything. This is when my attitude went from "I can do anything" to "I can do nothing." I set out for the run, half a mile in I was great. At .75 miles here it was again, I still couldn't breathe. I ran until I finished mile 1 with a decent pace of 8'38", but I had to stop, I had to walk, I had to breath. My next mile was a mixture of very short runs with long walks in between. I just couldn't do it. That day I ran 2.52 miles at a 26:12, slower than my 5k. Now I am not saying those paces are necessarily bad, I mean I would have loved that pace when I was running 2 years ago, but I know what I can do now, and it was way more than this.

 So ever since that run I haven't felt like doing anything, or let me rephrase that, I haven't felt like I am able to do anything. There has been no drive, no passion, no want. But even with all of that you have to find your motivation somewhere, and I did, in my wife. My wife is not a morning person in the slightest, but for the past couple weeks she has been waking up at 4:30 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays to work out with a group of girls. Not only that but during our girls nap times she has been doing another hour long workout. I came home from work on Monday and she was finishing up her afternoon workout and I thought to myself, "what have I done today?" At that point her actions motivated me. I am training, I have a goal and if I ever want to get there I have to take the next steps.

So this morning I woke up early and did an insanity workout, and it just about killed me. I will be doing insanity until I feel I can run again (really soon) and until I get a new bike (I'll blog about this soon too). I have to do something, and this is definitely a good something for me to do. Today I find myself motivated again. I am ready to train, ready to take the next step towards my goal, so here we go, Ironman Me!.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I am no saint!! But you know that better then anyone! :) I'm glad we can encourage each other and motivate each other. When one says no the other can say yes and vice versa! We are a team. And I believe in you!!!! GO GO GO! :)
