Thursday, January 3, 2013

My hashtag for 2013

My wife got an idea from a friend of hers last year to have a word for the year. Last year my wife's word was finish. It summed up everything she wanted to really do for the year, and this year hers is Present. This year I have adopted that idea with a twist, this year I will have a hashtag. Why not really, I love technology, gadgets and social media, so a hashtag just seemed fitting. So this year is #Build13.

Ok so what is that all about? Well last year was really the dawn of a dream, it was a launching point if you will for me to become part of the few who can wear the brand of the mdot. This year on the other hand is the real start, its the building, its the meat of what is going to get me there. Each and every training, each and every race will be a building block towards the overall goal of an Ironman.

Let's think of it in this way. Say you are building a large brick wall.The brick wall has a purpose. It is supposed to support the roof, provide structure and shelter. While you are building the brick wall if all you look at is the size and the huge purpose the task can be daunting, hundreds or thousands of bricks. Instead if you start to look at each step at a time and say, I just have to lay this brick, or just this line, then the task gets smaller and you start to see progress.

The problem with looking at each individual brick, or workout if you will, is that that it, in and of itself, can seem tedious and monatonous. You have to do that hundreds and thousands of times over and over again. That is why you keep in mind the end goal. A brick wall that has a purpose. The overall vision of what you are doing. You see you can't just look at the huge wall that needs to be built, but you also can't look just at each individual brick, but instead both have to be in sight in order to get where you want to go.

Therefore my hashtag for the year is #Build13. Its about looking at each indivdual workout, and the next race, but also building on the last and for the future to get where I want to go, to be an Ironman. So #Build13 is the process to Ironman Me. What are you building this year?



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